
We produce an exclusive and very selected range of white and red wines in a very limited edition. These are products proudly devoted to quality appreciated both by connoisseurs and by amateurs as a result of a hard and constant work in vineyards.


Our extra virgin olive oil is produced exclusively from the fruits of the olive groves owned by the Molino ‘7Cento Farm located in the town of Cori (LT), about 220 meters above sea level, using traditional techniques that go from manual harvesting to milling within a few hours. We have olive trees on our land, some of which are over a hundred years old, of different cultivars: itrana, for the most part, leccino, frantoio, carboncella. This great variety that we have inherited from the past allows us to produce three excellent oils with very different characteristics of smell and taste: Molì – Monocultivar Itrana; Molì – Monocultivar Leccino; Molì – Blend.

Saffron and other spices

Periodically we produce and dry according to according to ancient methods the different spices: rosemary, lavender (not for alimentary use) and especially saffron in very pure stigmas. This last precious spice was widely cultivated in our territory already in ‘400 and was the basis for the production of a dye used to dye fabrics yellow. With the passing of time, its cultivation fell into oblivion except for being recovered and jealously cared for in our facility.

Preserves and garden

Based on the seasonality of the products, our garden produces certified organic vegetables that can be purchased in boxes at the headquarters of the company by appointment. In addition, we produce and package different types of preserves such as tomato puree, ready-made sauces, jams and marmalades, fruit juices, pickles and much more.